Marla Jacarilla
Sant Jordi 2024. April 23 – 18h
The humorous book The art of wasting time, written by Noel Clarasó Daudí in 1946, is the starting point of a performance with the same name, by the artist, writer and film critic Marla Jacarilla, that reflects on the possible reasons to waste time and the probable consequences of doing so in the XXI century. Is it still possible to waste time in a society that obligates us to be everyday more and more productive? What does “wasting time” actually mean? According to the Real Academia Española, wasting time means “Not taking advantage of it, or not carrying out in it what could or should have been done. Work in vain”. What the definition doesn’t specify is: what is it we should do with our time? Should we do many things at the same time? Or should we focus our energies on one? Should we always be in a hurry and do everything quickly, even being at risk of mistaking? Or should we keep calm and do everything slowly, carefully? Should we be productive and obey the dictates of the prevailing neoliberalism? Or should we enjoy time without caring about productivity? Should we speak about the unavoidable passage of time? Or should we keep silence and limit to observe it passing by?
c/Lluís el Piadós, 3
08003, Barcelona
Wednesday to Friday. 11:00–14:00 h / 17:00–20:00 h
Saturday. 11:00–14:00 h
c/Lluís el Piadós, 3
08003, Barcelona
Wednesday to Friday. 11:00–14:00 h / 17:00–20:00 h
Saturday. 11:00–14:00 h